الجمعة، 11 يناير 2013

تعلم الانجليزية بسهولة حياة وفلسفة الفيلسوف نيتشه Friedrich Nietzsche

دروس مهمة باللغة الانجليزية للجميع والمبتدئين, تعلم نطق الكلمات الانجليزية وكيف تستعملها في الجمل, طريقة تعلم المفردات والصفات الانجليزية بسهولة وبسرعة, ألعاب وأغاني وموسيقى وأناشيد تعليم اللغة الانجليزية حياة وفلسفة الفيلسوف نيتشه Friedrich Nietzsche . Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (October 15, 1844 August 25, 1900)was a nineteenth-century German philosopher and classical philologist. He wrote critical texts on religion, morality, contemporary culture, philosophy, and science, using a distinctive German language style and displaying a fondness for metaphor and aphorism. Nietzsche's influence remains substantial within and beyond philosophy, notably in existentialism and postmodernism Become a better scientist. Contact scientists from other countries, go to international conferences, visit academic centers abroad. Learn about new scientific discoveries by reading papers, books, and magazines. Use your computer more effectively. Most computer applications are in English, so you will understand them better — and become a better employee. Learn new skills for your job. The section “Get access to knowledge” explains how English helps you learn.

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