تعلم اللغة الصينية, تعلم الحروف الصينية, تعلم نطق اللغة الصينية, تعلم قواعد اللغة الصينية,تعلم الحديث باللغة الصينية, تعلم الصينية بالاستماع للاغاني ومشاهدة الافلام, قواميس اللغة الصينية, كتب اللغة الصينية, برامج تعلم اللغة الصينية, مدارس تعليم اللغة الصينية, افلام باللغة الصينية, تعلم اللغة الصينية Learn Chinese Langauge
تعليم الانجليزية للمبتدئين مفردات ومصطلحات وسائل النقل مع الصور Transport | Learn English | Vocabulary
أهم دروس الانجليزية للمبتدئين والمتقدمين, حفظ الكلمات والمفردات الانجليزية مع النطق وطريقة الاستعمال, كيفية تركيب الجمل في اللغة الانجليزية وتصريف الأفعال, محادثات باللغة الانجليزية البطيئة مع الصوت مفردات ومصطلحات وسائل النقل مع الصور Transport | Learn English | Vocabulary.
You need to use better pictures, some are very old-style and might be confusing like the big old Victorian bicycles that no body uses today. Also the vocab choices are so odd, like locomotive, monoplane etc even native speakers wouldn't need to know such things and its far-fetched that foreigners would need to know or learn such useless vocab.
Learning a new language is often begun at a young age and, in some schools, is continued throughout a person's education. While it may be easier to learn and retain a second language at a younger age, those who are interested in learning a second language later on in life should not be discouraged. In fact, the older a person gets, the more apparent the need for the English language becomes. Consider the following instances in which mastery of the English language is crucial for success.
Obtaining a job in an English speaking country, or having to frequently interact with English speaking colleagues overseas. With trading between countries is at a high, people are expected to speak more than one language in order to ensure the completion of a transaction. This means that English as a second language is becoming more common and expected in the business community.
Read more: Why Learn English as a Second Language
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